WOW! First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR :))) Second, what an exciting opportunity it is to be able to write/post on a blog. My name is Madi and I am more than passionate about (wait for it...) all things that have anything to do with Jesus. Which you have probably already figured out given the name of this little corner of the internet. I have wanted to start some form of a blog or podcast for quite a while now and I am so thankful that it is actually happening... consider this a way for me to spread the good news with others. If you're here, you'll find weekly posts filled with encouragement inspired by what the Lord is teaching me. I can't wait to start writing more in depth posts, but for now, I'll let you get to know a little more about me and then finish off with some encouragement for the new year !!! You're loved!!
From as long as I can remember I have loved the Lord and wanted to honor Him. I have been so blessed to have grown up in a Christian home and Jesus has always been at the center of everything we do. Whenever I was around eight, I accepted Jesus into my heart and was baptized but it hasn't been until quite recently that I have really taken my faith on as my own. I have loved getting to dig down deep into the word of God and have learned so much over the past few months which has inspired me to share what I have learned (and what I will continue to learn) with others using this blog! One of my favorite things to do is to "letter" and paint. I have found myself painting some of my favorite bible verses and wanted to make that a part of this blog. I want the art that I create to reflect the Lord. The words spoken by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 have convicted me so much lately and considering that it is now officially 2022, I think they are fitting for anyone who wants to make this year the best one yet!! Take a look :
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age".
What an encouragement that has been to me as well as a wake up call to share Christ with others. Here is the thing, this command is not just for pastors or missionaries to follow, if it was, we wouldn't be able to reach everyone. This command is just as much for me as it is YOU, it is for all of US. Jesus died for all people, therefore, we all have been commanded to share His love with others.
What I find so interesting about the way Jesus presents this command is that He ends with the words "...And be sure of this, I am with you always, even to the the end of the age". See, what I find so amazing about this passage is that Jesus gives us instructions which, if we are honest are a little daunting. It takes courage to tell others about Christ... and Jesus KNEW that, so He gave us the words we need to step out of comfort zone and step into a life that tells others about Him. What a reassurance to realize that God knows our every thought, and equips us with all we need to share His love. He is with us, even when experience fear!
Whether you're a student, a mom, or in the peek of your career, you can make the choice to share the gospel with the people around you and be a light in this dark world. It is a daily choice, an hourly choice, a minute by minute one that I have to constantly remind myself about (I for sure have not mastered this yet), but it is one of the most rewarding choices we can make. So, here is to a new year of sharing the love of Christ to others through our actions, words, and choices. I am looking forward to diving in to writing about "all things Jesus" head first.
Until next time,
Madi <3
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