Hi Friend!!

As I was trying to think about what to post next, I was reminded of Psalm 16:11...

    "In Your presence is fullness of joy"

It got me thinking about how our situation doesn't have to determine our outlook or the way we feel because we have the joy that comes from being in the presence of God!!! How amazing is that to think about?? 

As absolutely stunning as this verse is, I find that it is one of the easiest ones to forget. I think that I tend to find myself letting my situation determine my outlook even if I know that I don't want to feel that way:

       - I get grumpy because I am tired from staying up so late working on school.

       -I find myself complaining about a stressful situation leading me to an ungrateful posture even though I know that situation is nothing compared to what lots of people are going through. 

       -I get frustrated when I am not in the phase of life I thought I would be at this point and waiting on God is testing my patience.

I can find myself wrestling with these thoughts when I am not seeking the Lord's presence. Whenever I read this verse for the first time, I didn't understand what "In Your presence" meant and I know that everyone interprets things differently. But I find that dwelling in the presence of God is a verb, it means being proactive in your relationship with God, seeking Him first. Praying/talking to God, studying His word, and looking to Him first are some of the simplest ways to do this. Seeking God isn't going to make the hard situations go away, they are a part of life, BUT we can experience the joy that comes from seeking the Lord through those hard circumstances. Even though this is not always the easy choice to make, it is the most rewarding choice we can make. The song you grew up hearing about the joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart to stay was not lying, I promise. True joy comes from the Lord!

Let's choose to actively seek Christ today first and forever. Let's choose to be joyful today.  

I am not sure what you're going through or what you're facing today, but I hope you know that when we lean into the Lord, we can be as happy as ever & experience JOY because of Christ! You are loved and chosen!

Lots of love, Madi <3


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